Female Upbringing
- IF ALL GIRLS... IF ALL GIRLS were taught how to be brave and stand up for themselves instead of being wimps and feeling cheated, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL AND STRESS-FREE WORLD WE WOULD LIVE IN ... ....IF ALL GIRLS were lovers of Jesus, knew the word deeply, lived a loving life, BIGGER, BEAUTIFUL THINGS WOULD SURROUND US ALL.. ...IF ALL GIRLS had goals, dreams/ambitions and put in efforts to bring them to reality, GUYS WOULDN'T HAVE TO ATTRACT THEM WITH MONEY ...IF ALL GIRLS were taught from childhood to know how priceless their worth is, THERE WOULD BE NO SUCH THING AS FEMINSM... ...IF ALL GIRLS were taught how to love each other fiercely, instead of how to compete with each other and hate their own bodies, WHAT A DIFFERENT AND BEAUTIFUL WORLD WE WOULD LIVE IN... ...IF ALL GIRLS were taught how to deeply love and appreciate themselves, THEN THEY WOULD HAVE NO TIME TO SEEK FOR TOO MUCH LOVE AND ATTENTION FROM PLACES WHERE THEY ONLY END UP WITH HURTS... ...IF ALL GIRLS knew they were strong, even more than men, THEN THEY WOULDN't LET THEMSELVES BE TREATED LIKE PIECE OF RAG.... ...IF ALL GIRLS were taught how to stand up for themselves and that marriage is not all, THEN OUR SOCIETY WOULD BE MORE PROFITABLE... ...IF ALL GIRLS were taught that they are made to help mankind, THEN THEY BE MORE PURPOSEFUL.... ADD YOURS 😘😘😘😘😘
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